Cellular Regeneration Technique

Our mission is to help our family of patients elevate their physical, emotional and spiritual balance of health to its greatest potential through the application of chiropractic techniques and other natural means. We encourage our patients to share with others their experiences in this most important and enjoyable mission.

Aloha and Welcome!

The theory behind Cellular Regeneration Technique™ (CRT) is that the brain is a computer. If you are functioning 100%, there is a constant feedback from the brain to all the body parts and organs. However, if there is trauma or stress, whether it is physical, emotional, mental, chemical, or spiritual, the optimum feedback can malfunction. By muscle testing, we can figure out the specifics (who, what, when, where and why) of the dysfunction, blockage, or short circuit, and then reconnect the brain to the body parts, so the body can heal itself. Our goal is to bring body-mind-soul into balance and harmony. Read more about the big idea behind CRT.

What is Cellular Regeneration Technique?
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